Presented below are some assessment templates that will assist you in developing an assessment plan and collecting and using assessment data.
It is probably most helpful to read about assessment tools before completing these templates. Each document is available in blank template format (as either a Word .docx or PDF file); these can be used to do assessment planning for your own department. In addition, an example of each document, as completed by a hypothetical department, is provided.
Assessment plan
These materials will guide you in developing a comprehensive assessment plan for your program.
Assessment report
These materials will help you summarize your assessment results and document your plans for using these assessment findings to make program improvements.
Learning outcomes rubric
Performance assessments require the use of a standardized scoring procedure; this usually involves a rubric. A rubric is a matrix that identifies the expected outcomes of performance on each task, as well as criteria for various levels of success along those outcomes.
Learning outcomes data
This table can be used to record and tabulate results obtained from evaluating materials according to your assessment rubric.
Curriculum map
This map can be used both to develop learning outcomes and to examine how closely your program outcomes correspond with your program's current curriculum. This map can also assist you later in interpreting assessment results and making program improvements.