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Staff Headcounts

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Staff headcounts are displayed for regular, benefits-eligible university employees by staff group. Overall, the total headcount has grown every year since 2015–16 except in 2020–21. Headcounts are largely composed of All Other Staff who occupy 79% of the total in 2024–25. The next largest group, Clinician Educators, is the only academic staff group to have increased every year. Headcounts in both the Academic Staff–Research and Academic Staff–Teaching groups have increased since 2021–22 after decreasing steadily over the three years prior. The data are sourced from the IR&DS HR Snapshot taken annually on October 31. See the Methodology & Definitions section for more details.

Methodology & Definitions

Staff Headcount

Staff headcounts include all regular, benefits-eligible university employees. With rare exceptions, employees must be appointed at 50% FTE (full-time equivalent) or more for at least six consecutive months in order to be eligible for benefits. The Professoriate and employees of SLAC are not included. Employees with multiple jobs are counted only in the job that is tied to their benefits, typically the one with the largest number of standard hours.

Academic Staff–Teaching

Academic Staff–Teaching members are non-Professoriate staff with primary responsibilities in instruction. Positions include:

  • Lecturer
  • Senior Lecturer
  • PWR Advanced Lecturer
  • Artist-in-Residence

They are not on a tenure line nor are they members of the Academic Council. More details about terms and procedures of appointment can be accessed from the links below.

Academic Staff–Research

Academic Staff–Research members are non-Professoriate staff with primary responsibilities in the University's research activities. Individuals in this group have titles such as:

  • Research Scientist and Senior Research Scientist
  • Research Engineer and Senior Research Engineer
  • Research Scholar and Senior Research Scholar
  • Visiting Research Scientist and Visiting Senior Research Scientist

The courtesy Visiting Scholar position is excluded from this group as they do not receive Stanford salary support. Academic Staff–Research members are not on a tenure line and are not on the Academic Council. More details can be found from the links below.

Other Teaching Staff

Other Teaching Staff hold acting, adjunct, adjunct clinical, (By courtesy), consulting, and visiting appointments with a generally limited duration. This group additionally includes the Instructor, Teaching Specialist (DAPER only), and Professor of Practice positions. They are not members of the Professoriate (including the Medical Center Line), Academic Staff, Academic Council, and they do not accrue time towards tenure. The (By courtesy) appointments apply only to non-Professoriate members from designated institutions and are distinct from courtesy appointments held by members of the Professoriate.

Individuals who do not fit the staff headcount definition, even if they are considered Other Teaching Staff in other contexts, are excluded from the data. For example, non-employees or affiliates not compensated by Stanford are excluded. More information about Other Teaching Staff is available in the Faculty Handbook.

Clinician Educators

Clinician educators are employees in the School of Medicine with responsibilities that may involve any combination of clinical care, teaching, administrative, or scholarly activities. They are not members of the Professoriate, but due to similar responsibilities, they are colloquially referred to as faculty in the School. More information can be found in the School of Medicine Faculty Handbook.


These employees have instructional responsibilities in supporting student athletes and athletic programs. Coaches, Teaching Associates, and Senior Teaching Associates appointed to the Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation (DAPER) appear in the data under this group. Teaching Specialists employed by DAPER are considered Other Teaching Staff according to Academic Staff-Teaching and Other Teaching Staff Handbook, §5.2.6 and remain there in this data.

  • Data Governance Center


Emeriti are tenured faculty and senior faculty in the Non-Tenure Lines or Medical Center Lines who become official University retirees granted the emeritus or emerita title by the Board of Trustees. This data set includes emeriti recalled for active teaching and/or research duties who then become regular, benefits-eligible employees appointed for a period of up to one year (subject to renewal). They are not members of the Professoriate, but they are regarded as Senior Members of the Academic Council.

Hoover Fellows

Hoover Fellows include employees holding primary jobs in the Hoover Institution with the titles of Hoover Research Fellow or Hoover Senior Fellow. Professoriate who hold secondary Hoover Senior Fellow appointments are excluded.

  • Data Governance Center

All Other Staff

All other regular, benefits-eligible staff not mentioned in the groups above are covered under All Other Staff. These staff members are professionals who generally support the administrative and technical needs of the University.


The data are available for download in Google Drive.

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