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Stanford University is home to a vibrant community of over 17,000 degree-seeking students across bachelor's, master's, professional, and doctoral programs.

Use this page to explore Autumn enrollment data for Stanford. The dashboard allows you to look at enrollments by School and Degree Level (bachelor's, master's, professional, doctoral).

The university-wide view provides a distinct headcount of students. When a specific school is selected, students will be counted in each school in which they are enrolled. Some Stanford departments belong to more than one school. As a result, when the “Select a School” filter is applied, students in these departments will be counted in both schools. Non-degree students (e.g. postdoctoral scholars) are not included here.. More detailed definitions of the terms and counts used here can be found below the dashboard.

Methodology & Definitions

Student Headcounts

Two different headcounts are used in these dashboards. The first is the University Headcount, which provides a university-wide headcount of active, enrolled students as of the fourth week of the autumn quarter for a given academic year (typically between October 25-30). In this headcount, students are counted in only one degree program, the choice of which is based on a trumping logic that generally counts a student in the program with the highest Degree Rank Order. For example, a student pursuing both an MA and a PhD would be counted as a PhD student in the University Headcount. Due to derivation logic, this will not provide a count of all students in a particular school, major, etc.

Two departments at Stanford offer degree programs that belong to more than one school. Specifically, Civil & Environmental engineering undergraduate and graduate programs belong to both the School of Engineering and the Doerr School of Sustainability. Bioengineering graduate programs belong to both the School of Engineering and the School of Medicine. When the “Select a School” is used to limit dashboard results to one of these schools, all students enrolled in that school–including in the shared departments–will be counted. When university-wide aggregate numbers are presented, these students will only be counted once.

The other headcount used in these dashboards is the School Headcount, which also includes all students who are active, enrolled students as of the fourth week of the autumn quarter (similar to the University Headcount). In the School Headcount, undergraduate students are counted in each of their degree plans. Graduate students are counted in their highest degree plan per school. This gives a more complete view of the academic pursuits of students than the University Headcount. Students in the shared programs in Civil & Environmental Engineering and Bioengineering will be counted in both schools to which the programs belong. Coterminal master's students are counted either as undergraduates or graduates depending on their status.

Degree Level

The enrollment numbers here are categorized into four types of degree-seeking students.

  1. Bachelor's

    This category includes the B.A. (Bachelor of Arts), B.S. (Bachelor of Science) and B.A.S. (Bachelor of Arts and Science) degrees. The latter may be granted to students fulfilling requirements for both a B.A. and a B.S.

  2. Master's (academic)

    This category includes the M.A. (Master of Arts), M.S. (Master of Science), M.F.A. (Master of Fine Arts), M.P.P (Master of Public Policy), M.L.S. (Master of Legal Studies), J.S.M. (Master of the Sciences of Law), L.L.M. (Master of Laws), Eng (Engineer), and M.L.A. (Master of Liberal Arts; offered by Stanford Continuing Studies).

  3. Doctoral (academic)

    This category includes the Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy), D.M.A. (Doctor of Musical Arts), and J.S.D. (Doctor of the Science of Law) degrees.

  4. Professional

    This category spans degrees at both the Master's and Doctoral level that emphasize practical application and skill development. It includes the M.D. (Doctor of Medicine; School of Medicine only), J.D. (Juris Doctor; Law School only), and M.B.A (Master of Business Administration; Graduate School of Business only).

Underrepresented Minority Category (URM)

The URM category includes all US Citizens and permanent residents who have self-identified as American Indian/Alaska Native, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander. The URM category will include "Two or more" individuals if at least one of their affiliations is one of these groups.


At present, only data on binary sex is available.


The data is available for download in Google Drive.

  • Data Source(s): SIRIS

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